Looking to adopt a pet? Click here to find your perfect pet.
Looking to adopt a pet? Click here.
Looking for a new home for your pet?

Rehoming Your Pet

Find Your Pet a Loving Forever Home

How It Works

Rehoming your pet should be easy and stress free both for you and your pet. Our experts at Adopt-a-Pet.com have created a simple, reliable program to help you place your pet from your loving home directly to another.

Create a Pet Profile
Get your pets posted on Adopt-a-Pet.com to be seen by millions of pet adopters.
Review Applications
The dedicated team at Rehome will give you all the help you need to select the best potential adopters.
Meet Adopters
The Rehome team will guide you through the process of setting safe and pressure-free meetings with applicants.
Finalize Adoption
Rehome will provide you with a template for transfer of ownership with your adopter!

You're In Good Hands

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Adopt-a-Pet.com is a trusted organization and our dedicated team of pet experts is here to support you throughout this process.
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Our expert advice and safe meeting zones make Rehome by Adopt-a-Pet.com the safer alternative to online classifieds.
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Your personal information will never be shared or shown to the public.
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Rehome Your Pet